DIY All-Purpose Cleaner with Essential Oils

January 31, 2019 The Provident Princess 0 Comments

One of the things I love most about essential oils is that they are safe. For us, for our children and for our pets. This is one of the reasons I love making my own DIY cleaning products. We don't need to wear surgical masks and rubber gloves when we are cleaning with pure and clean ingredients. I feel confident enough to hand my 3 year old a spray bottle of my DIY all-purpose cleaner so she can 'clean' to her heart's content and I don't need to worry about what will happen if she somehow gets the lid off or swallows some. And heck, I might even get a clean floor out of it.

I love using Wild Orange in my cleaner. It has the same great cleansing and de-greasing properties as lemon but such a cheery scent that makes it a joy to use while cleaning the hard surfaces in your kitchen, bathroom or floors. Seriously, it is like sunshine in a bottle. Citrus oils are known to be uplifting to the mood which is nice when you need a little burst of energy.

INGREDIENTS  __________________________________________________________________

16 oz glass bottle
30 drops Wild Orange or Lemon essential oil
1/4 vinegar
1 tsp dish soap (optional)
1 3/4 c water

The recipe is super easy. Just add the oil, vinegar and dish soap if using to a glass or metal spray bottle and fill the rest of the way up with water. Shake well before use.

OTHER COMBINATIONS  ________________________________________________________

You can make your homemade cleaner in any scent you like. Some of my other favorites are:

I love that making my own DIY All-purpose cleaner is not only less expensive, but it is safer for me, my family and the environment.

*If you would like to have the versatility of  making lots of different scents, I would recommend getting a kit with our top 10 oils. It is discounted below our normal wholesale prices and comes with a free wholesale membership so you can add any other oils to your collection at the wholesale price throughout the year. It comes in 2 sizes: A small kit with 5 ml sample size bottles or the larger kit 15 ml bottle size which is a much better deal with triple the oil amount but not even twice the cost and comes with a diffuser to be able to enjoy your oils aromatically. For more information about getting these amazing oils in your home, click here.

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