Self-Reliance Goals for 2011

January 12, 2011 The Provident Princess 0 Comments

Goal [gohl]   –noun 1. the result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end.

I think I like the word goal better than resolution. It seems more like I can check the box when I'm done. Whereas a resolution seems like something that has no end in sight. Like a habit you'd like to develop forever.

This year I have many goals and resolutions. Writing down your goals makes you much more likely to actually follow through with them so I sat down and listed all my goals or resolutions for different categories: Physical/ Health, Financial, Spiritual, Family, and Self-Reliance. I figure if I list my self-reliance goals here, you will be able to hold me accountable and perhaps we could help each other if you have similar goals.

Self-Reliance Goals

  • Plant and MAINTAIN a Garden- I've planted many gardens. My problem isn't in finding the time or deciding what I want in a garden. It is actually taking care of it and figuring out how to keep my plants watered while I'm on vacations during the summer. For the past 3 years I have actually planted gardens in my friend's yards since I didn't have enough garden space at my apartment aside from my potted tomatoes and herb garden. It is so hard to find the will to walk over to someone else's yard to water and weed. This year is going to be different. My husband and I are building a house and hopefully moving in at the end of this month. I will finally have my own garden! 
  • Preserve My Garden Produce- I know for sure that I want strawberries, corn, tomatoes, green beans and bell peppers in my garden. I want to can tomatoes, salsa and spaghetti sauce. I want to freeze my corn and can my green beans. 
  • Build Rack for 55 Gallon Drum of Water- Now that we will have storage space, my husband is willing to invest a little more in food storage. I went to a CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) fair over the summer where I got a cool diagram of a way to store your 55 gallon water drums since they can't rest on the cement floor. I'm looking forward to doing this.
  • Bake Bread Once a Month- I think this will be a good skill to have. Homemade bread is so much better tasting than store bought and it is so economical. I always loved visiting my great-grandma and smelling fresh baked bread when I walked through her door. Homemade bread has good memories for me.
  • Eat Beans Once a Week- beans are so good for us and so cheap. I want to make them a more regular part of our diet. It is also a good thing to know how to use your food storage items so that if the time comes where you have to rely on it, you will know what to do with it.
Well, those are the big ones for me. With moving and having another baby this year, I didn't want to get too ambitious and bite off more than I could chew. 

What are some of your self-reliance goals this year? Is there something in particular you would like me to post about to help you reach it?