Emergency Sources of Water

July 08, 2011 The Provident Princess 0 Comments

Water = Life

If you were only able to store one thing for emergency preparedness it should be water.

The human body can only survive a little while without water. It could be only a few hours to a few days depending on the conditions and physical activity of the person. With just water but no food a person can last weeks.

The general rule of thumb is one gallon of water per person per day. Pregnant and nursing women, children and ill people require more. So take the amount of days you want to be prepared for times by the number of people you are planing for. Keep in mind that this is the bare minimum. That means there will just be water for drinking and cooking, none for cleaning and washing or sanitation.

 I think you should aim for at least 1 week but strongly recommend  2 weeks. Storing water beyond that become unpractical so you should have a plan for obtaining and purifying water from your home an surroundings.

Although you shouldn't rely on these exclusively as your water storage there are actually quite a few hidden sources of water in and around your house you could tap into if you found during a disaster that you went through your water supply too quickly or that help wasn't coming after 2 weeks.

Melted ice cubes or juice from cans of fruit and vegetable
Pipes: If water has been interrpted to your house, turn off the main water valve. Turn on a faucet from the highest level of the house to let in air and save the water that comes out from the lowest faucet.
Water heaters: These should be drained periodically to release any accumulated sediment so the full capacity of water is available. Turn off the electricity and gas to the water heater. Open the drain at the bottom, turn off the water intake valve and turn on a hot water faucet.
Waterbeds: This water is good for washing, not drinking (the plastic is treated with pesticides to inhibit algae). Do not use bleach to purify this water
Back of toilet: (unless cleaners are used in the back) This water needs to be purified before use. Do not use water from the bowl of the toilet.
Streams, rivers, running water, ponds and lakes: These need to be purified before use
Groundwater: Dig a hole ina damp or muddy area. soak a cloth in the mud and wring out the water into a container. purify before use
Natural springs
Rainwater: purfiy befoe use.